Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Heading out tomorrow to pick apples on an orchard in Hastings for 3 weeks! It should be an adventure. We are staying in a caravan on the orchard. We will share this caravan with our friends Malcolm and Lindsay. Our boss is named Ladislav. We are paid based on how much we pick. I should have been weightlifting, not weeding!

Mags and I have befriended a new wwoofer, Loulou, who is a precious Parisian. This morning the 3 of us went to the beach after breakfast and ran until it rained. It was a great way to start a day.

I may be out of touch during the apple picking, during which time I will excitedly wait for the arrival of the dear Lentz family! Come on, guys! I can't wait!!!!

Bye now.

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