Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Time to say goodbye to apple-picking. What a shame. Yesterday was our last day. In a burst of determination (and lunacy) I wanted to beat my own record, so I picked 5 crates and then wanted to die. (See how HUGE they are?!!!)

So, goodbye rows of apple trees.
Goodbye heavy ladders I can barely lift and 800 lb. crates.
Goodbye empty bird nests tucked safely in branches of poison.
Goodbye constant scrutiny and criticism from a boss who wonders how we endure a Muslim president!
Goodbye sweaty buckets that make you stink like you’ve only ever backpacked and never ever showered.
Goodbye acute shoulder and back pain and wounds that never heal.
Goodbye 5:30 wake-up calls and 8:30 bed times.
Goodbye shoebox house with lovely friends inside and shed house of Crazians!

Now we head to Auckland for two days, during which we will get to go sailing with our friend Jacob and THEN we get to see Tom and Alice and Marc Lentz!!!! Come one, come all!

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